Corelab Seminar

Antonis Achilleos
Determinizing Monitors for HML with Recursion

Today massive amounts of information are generated and managed over untrusted computing platforms that are prone to attacks. In such settings, it is vital to provide integrity protections: In the face of malicious data loss or corruption, ensuring that outsourced data remains intact and that outsourced computations return correct results, are essential operations for fully trustworthy network and cloud services.
In this talk, I will show how to harden outsourced computations in ways that allow for reliable integrity checks without diminishing the gains of outsourcing. Focusing on the database-as-a-service model where an entity outsources its database to a server, I will describe a new framework for efficient verifiable computation that allows a client to verify the results of a database query without affecting usability. The new solution concept exploits the benefits of secure and “proof-based” composition of (new or existing) query-verification schemes, by adopting a “best-of-both-worlds” approach to achieve better trade-offs between generality and efficiency than those currently known. I will conclude by discussing open problems related to the presented technique as well as new research directions in cyber security which could also benefit by solutions that have to offer the best of two worlds: security and efficiency.
